The Year of the Metal OX!

The Metal Energy overlaying the Ox Year lends eloquence to this Year and more focus on scholarliness. This Metal aspect also lends a bit of arrogance to the Metal Ox Year and adds to the already focused nature of the Ox. There is also the possibility of becoming narrow-minded and vengeful if things don’t go as anticipated

<As THE OX! emerges from the stable and snorts!

I AM THE OX! I AM HERE to help you understand the considerations of how to be in this time of COVID so that you may understand what is necessary to prosper through fortitude and focused work.  I AM THE OX! My strength is dependable and calm; I am traditional in my method and perspective, and because of that this year will be more stable than last, with a lot more focus on routine and convention. I AM THE OX!

More About THE OX!

This year there will be more presence of authority and duty-filled action, sometimes to the excess. There is also a stubbornness associated with the Ox energy. You won’t easily sway someone of the Ox Year when it comes to their opinion. Modesty is an accompanying aspect to the traditional strengths of the Ox. Ox energy is stalwart and self-confident. The Ox will not be intimidated and usually has a presence of mind about them.

Think of an Ox or Buffalo and you have the image of the Energy of the Ox year. Other words applicable to this Year are: predictable, introverted, unimaginative, tenacious and dedicated. The Ox person will stick to their word and finish the job, no matter what it takes.

From Theodora Lau

“When it comes to the affairs of the Heart, the Ox can be erribly naive. He/she cannot fully comprehend the entrapments of love, much less employ enticing strategy and other allure to plead their romantic cause. Don’t expect lyric poetry and moonlight serenades from them. They just don’t have the right chemistry for those sorts of things. Even their gifts are likely to be strong, durable and unpretentious.

More descriptions: punctual, hard-working, takes initiative. People born under this sign are charitable by nature and may be the good Samaritan who saved someone and left without giving their name. The Ox person will not abandon you; they will be around for the good times as well as the bad.

On the down side, (every sign has them!) the Ox is known to hold grievances and grudges, and remembers harmful details for a long time. Hard work is often the outlet for the Ox when feeling have been hurt or stress is high. If the Ox person loses their patience, look out. They will act like a bull and attack anyone in their path. Just get out of their way and let them cool off. And this doesn’t happen often. Many an Ox suffers quietly and  doesn’t complain.
Practical, practical, practical, traditional, traditional, traditional. Are you starting to get the picture of the Ox? This person can be too rigid and a disciplinarian. Often a natural leader, the Ox can be relied on to be a sturdy, no-nonsense individual.

The Metal Energy overlaying the Ox Year lends eloquence to this Year and more focus on scholarliness. This Metal aspect also lends a bit of arrogance to the Metal Ox Year and adds to the already focused nature of the Ox. There is also the possibility of becoming narrow-minded and vengeful if things don’t go as anticipated.”