Don’t Get Caught in a Log Jam
Think of a logjam that blocks the energetic flow of water in a river. When the water doesn’t flow freely, the river gets backed up. It’s the same with the energy or ‘Chi’ in your body. When a river or stream doesn’t have enough energy to move, it becomes stagnant; and so when your energy […]

A / Basho / Haiku
At a hermitage: A cool fall night; Getting dinner, we peeled eggplants and cucumbers …

Message of Peace
Your self-talk affects how you feel about yourself and your prospects in life. This message is worth memorizing and reflecting upon to keep this pandemic time from becoming confounding.

Fall Health Tips: Metal Energy and the Lungs
It’s autumn, the ‘fall’ season, and in the 5 Element way of thinking, it’s the ‘Metal” season too. This means the Metal energy predominates during the autumn months, and since Lungs are associated with the ‘Metal’ energy they’re most affected this time of year. Oriental Medicine and 5 Element Theory offer many useful insights about […]