Exploring Winter Solstice: A Time of Deep Yin and Knowing

Winter Solstice marks the moment of deepest Yin (least Energy) in the solar calendar. And in this Covid Winter, the natural quiet and darkness of this time of year is more accentuated than any time in collective memory.

This is the time of year where the Chi (Energy) like fallen leaves, has sunk down into the ground, and so has the energy in our bodies, minds, and spirits. It is a time where we are more capable, perhaps more willing, of feeling that deeper, darker part of ourselves, and learning from it.

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Fire Energy In Summer

Summer is the season of the year when the likelihood of health issues affecting the heart and liver increase. Heart because it is the organ most energized in summer, and liver because it’s tired out from having just finished its lead role throughout Spring, and is in need of replenishment.

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