Right now we are in autumn-approaching-winter, and need to prepare our Body~Mind~Spirit for the normal seasonal energetics while adjusting to the presence of Covid.
Author: Michael Kessler

Don’t Get Caught in a Log Jam
Think of a logjam that blocks the energetic flow of water in a river. When the water doesn’t flow freely, the river gets backed up. It’s the same with the energy or ‘Chi’ in your body. When a river or stream doesn’t have enough energy to move, it becomes stagnant; and so when your energy […]

A / Basho / Haiku
At a hermitage: A cool fall night; Getting dinner, we peeled eggplants and cucumbers …

Feeling Healthy
Take some time A few quiet moments Breathe slowly Breathe deeply … Continue doing this for a while; Then as your mind calms and your breath deepens, Look for the sense of yourself That is Health Feel that for a while and then again and again and again Everyday you’re alive You’ll live a healthy […]