This Year of the Dragon began on February 10, 2024. It begins a different energy than the Water Rabbit, the Dragon’s energetic predecessor, who has now receded into its twelve-year rest in the zodiac. Now is the time of the Wood Dragon!

In Eastern thinking, the Dragon is an animal of auspiciousness. The Dragon has special powers that none of the other 12 animals have. It can fly, which symbolizes its capacity to fly above worldly, mundane life.

During the Dragon Year we’ll be more tuned in to ’causes’ of all sorts ~ human rights, hunger, stopping wars, etc. And because the Dragon is a Wood animal (each animal of the zodiac has a particular element of the Five Elements associated with it), we are likely to have more Liver-Gallbladder Energy (which are the organs associated with Wood) throughout the year.
That means, not only the physical aspects of the Wood Energy being more present, but also the emotional and mental aspects as well.

For instance, headaches may be more numerous for some people (tension headaches as well as migraines); digestive issues caused by disruption of your Liver and Gallbladder energy/function; skin rashes and hives; etc., and these are only a few of the many manifestations of Liver/Wood Energy in the body.
The Liver rules mental activity, so unruly thoughts may be more likely for you. Not being able to stop thoughts can occur as a result of Wood Energy.
And then there are the emotional energies associated with Wood: anger, irritation, frustration, rage, even potentially violence; all various degrees of the Wood Energy. Keep in mind, these are all the unbalanced emotions. The balanced emotion of Wood is Kindness. So the more balanced we can each become, the more Kindness we’ll experience and the less anger there will be in the world!

As you can see, we’re in for quite the ride this year of the Wood Dragon! What to do about it? How you lead your life has everything to do with what you’ll experience. Yes, of course, there are issues which will arise which are beyond your control. So let’s look at the ones which ARE within your control. The food you choose to eat, the amount and quality of rest you get, the tasks you undertake, how you interact with those around you — these are all things you can change. And you will need to look at them during this somewhat challenging year. As difficulties arise, observe how you’re involved in whatever the issue is. Ask yourself, is it a way that serves you best. What can you do differently?
Let’s take the foods you eat as an example. Say you’re feeling kind of sluggish and stuck. What foods have you eaten recently? Ask yourself, have I eaten heavy foods, like fried foods, lately? Have I had much alcohol lately? Are oily foods, like avocado, over-represented in what I’m eating? All of these foods/drinks are hard on the Liver and Gallbladder. If you ‘weigh the Liver down’ with rich, fatty, fried, greasy, oily foods, the result is a sluggish feeling. What can you choose differently that is lighter, less mucus producing?
This year will present you with these types of choices. They are always there each year, but the effects of them will likely be more pronounced this coming year. Take heed, some changes are afoot for all of us!
Or as dear, departed BASHO observed:
An old silent pond …
A frog jumps into the pond —
Splash! Silence again.