Early Spring is the time to start rebuilding the strength of your Kidneys—which are somewhat depleted from their Winter work.
The Wood energy of Spring: A time when the health and vitality of your Liver and Gallbladder will become the focus of your body’s attention.

Spring energy is expansive.
If my Liver is balanced, my creativity flows.
If it is not balanced, frustration and irritability may block my way ..
At the outset of Spring, Chi (life-force or energy) has a “springy” quality to it—outside and inside of you.
How Spring energy makes you feel depends on the health of your nervous system, which is affected by the Liver—the dynamic organ of Spring.
Spring—many of us are jumping-with-joy; but there’s another kind of ‘jumpiness’ that Spring can bring: restless leg, irritability, insomnia.
Early Spring: Make sure your body doesn’t get too chilled. It’s still vulnerable to cold and flu.