We don’t like the sound of a lot of things we hear today. That does not mean the moment is not resonant with the rhythms we need to hear to live healthy, fulfilling lives.
For thousands of years, people everywhere have turned to sound and color as a source of healing. Without even realizing it, humans are naturally drawn to colors and sounds that nourish the mind and body. This is why most people have a favorite color and song.
Start to become aware of how you are breathing: slow or quick; deep or shallow; whatever the quality of your breath in this moment, just become aware of it. Then after a few breaths, stop for a few moments to notice how you feel.
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There are so many ways to use your breath and imagination to create healing conditions for your body, mind and spirit.
Sounds Of The Seasons
Seasonal soundings and color visualizations are good to do anytime you are not doing anything else that requires your attention. Upon waking, or as an aid for falling asleep, or waiting in traffic, are all good times to practice this centering and balancing technique. To be centered and balanced in your body, mind and spirit is to be health itself.
And if meditation is something you’re interested in, breath exercise is a perfect way to engage and stabilize that part of your mind, the inner critic, that’s always giving you a hard time: especially when you need or want to relax and rejuvenate.

I pull out the gray hairs
And under my pillow
There is a cricket
– Basho
Here we are, these last days of Autumn’s METAL energy fading, as the WATER energy of Winter rises all around us, becoming more aware of the need to protect our internal heat from the cold, wet grip of Winter.
Oriental Medicine, with its preventive propensities for staying healthy, offers breathing room for balancing and strengthening the organs most called upon in Winter: Lungs and Kidneys.
These seasonal healing sounds have a subtle and unique health effect in that they harness your mental intention in a way that purges noxious energy from the body, while simultaneously providing a soothing overall effect.

Seasonal Healing Sounds
Using the chart below, let’s first do the seasonal sound for saying goodbye to Autumn. This will give the Lungs and Large Intestine the resuscitative boost they need after a season of preparing your Immune System for the vulnerabilities that come with Winter cold.
Then we’ll do the sound that vitalizes the Kidneys and Bladder, the organs that protect your general health by managing the Water energy of Winter.

Follow the chart below to know how to go about performing and enjoying this relaxing and rectifying way of breathing to keep your body, mind and spirit balanced, through the seasons of the year, and the seasons of your life.

- Bring your attention to your breath. Tell yourself: “I want to breathe more slowly, more deeply.
- Notice yourself breathing more slowly, more deeply.
- When exercising the Lungs, breathe in a rejuvenating bright white mist, then exhale a smokey white mist, carrying away any problems and discomforts from the lungs, while making a hissing sound: SSSSsssss.
- When exercising the Kidneys, breathe in a rejuvenating bright blue mist, then exhale a dark blue mist, carrying away any problems and discomforts from the kidneys, while making a WHEW sound, like blowing out a candle.
That’s all there is to it. A quick and easy way to stay touch with your health by giving it the help it needs, as the preciousness of your life continues to unfold.

Chinese medicinal herbs and acupuncture help too.