Winter Solstice marks the moment of ‘deepest yin’ in the solar calendar. ‘Yin/Yang’: We’ve all heard the term, and have probably used it more than once in passing, yet what does it mean? Simply put, Yin-Yang is a metaphysical perspective, derived from ancient Taoist cosmology, that can be used to understand the circumstances of our lives, and the world we […]

Lighten Up: New Vaccines, New Awarenesses; Thriving in Tough Times
In this time of vaccinations, in this Time of C.O.V.I.D. we are looking for assurance. The vaccination is the insurance, and from it we look for assurance.
While vaccination do provide an excellent statistical level of anti-COVID assurance, at the same time we need to self-insure by looking at our current situation in a Darwinian light, and make choices using ‘The Light’ that is present in each of us by dint of being alive. It’s not that esoteric; just take a few slow, deep breaths and things get clearer. And when things fog up again, take a few more slow, deep breaths. Given how things are these days, we should all be doing daily deep breathing.

We’re Living in a Challenging Time. Try This: BREATHE!
“Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Haiku: A Poetic Message Without an Explanation
Mosquito at my ear—
does he think
I’m deaf?
– Issa

Put A Mask In Your Emergency Bag: Your Health Depends On It
A mask is a symbol and a life saver.
WINTER IS COMING! You don’t want to get sick in Summer, lest you go into Winter with weak, non-replenished organs.
Just like you fix your roof when it’s not raining, you REPLENISH YOUR CHI in Summer when your body has the fewest demands placed upon it.