Summer is the time to improve LUNG health. What the ancient doctors called vital capacity or chi. Lungs filled with chi, the life force cultivated by Tai Chi and Chi Kung, are strong, healthy lungs. Who doesn’t want strong, healthy lungs?

We’re all aware of the cost of energy these days; from the price we pay at the pump to fuel our cars, and what we pay to heat and cool our houses. Most of us are aware of energy every morning by how we feel when we lift ourselves out of bed and how we feel when we lie down again at night to go to sleep. How much energy we have, or don’t have, for everything we need and want to do each day is the energy Oriental Medicine refers to as CHI or HEALTH.

Harnessing the Seasonal Energy of Spring
The seasonal energies are a bit confused at this point. The spring which was supposed to begin back in March and April, has been delayed. And this has confused the organs that are active during spring and winter.
The kidneys which are most active in winter are very exhausted at this time. They don’t like the cold. Since it’s been cold for such a long time they are more tired than usual. This has created many stresses in peoples’ bodies. This results in injuries, illnesses and strain. The cold is especially hard on the joints and the lower back.

Oriental Medicine: Improve Your Health in Spring
Early Spring is the time to start rebuilding the strength of your Kidneys, which get depleted from their Winter work.
The Wood energy of Spring is a time when the health and vitality of your Liver and Gallbladder become the focus of your body’s attention.

Get Relief From Spring Maladies
Because the Wood Element of Spring affects the nerves and mental activity, be on the lookout for changes in the following areas:
• Emotional swings
• Increased irritability and frustrations
• Raw nerves
• Insomnia
• Headaches
• Vision problems
• Digestive problems