While we may not like the sound of a lot of things we hear today, from the news, and others’ apprehensive approximations of the state of affairs, that does not mean this moment is not resonant with what we need to hear to live healthy, fulfilling lives. For thousands of years, people everywhere have turned to sound and color as a source of healing. Without even realizing it, humans are naturally drawn to colors and sounds that nourish the mind and body. This is why most people have a favorite color and song.

Keep Fire Energy Balanced So It Doesn’t Burn Up Your Chi
What we are experiencing now as the hot part of summer is upon us are really high temperatures across the US. Many weather predictions, such as bigger hurricanes, are beginning to bear out. And surprises are always at the fore these days, evidence all the massive solar flares and coronal mass ejections which have occurred […]

Five Element Theory and You: Staying Healthy in Spring
Oriental Medicine offers practical wisdom for adjusting to seasonal change. One of the basic concepts in Oriental Medicine is the Five Element system of correspondences. Each element having an associated season, emotion, taste, organ, etc.

Staying Healthy in Spring: The Oriental Medicine Way
Early Spring is the time to start rebuilding the strength of your Kidneys—which are somewhat depleted from their Winter work.
The Wood energy of Spring: A time when the health and vitality of your Liver and Gallbladder will become the focus of your body’s attention.

Maximize Your Health In The Year Of The Wood Dragon: Practical Tips And Guidance
This Year of the Dragon began on February 10, 2024. It begins a different energy than the Water Rabbit, the Dragon’s energetic predecessor, who has now recededed into its twelve-year rest in the zodiac when it will appear again. But now is the time of the Water Dragon!