Take some time A few quiet moments Breathe slowly Breathe deeply … Continue doing this for a while; Then as your mind calms and your breath deepens, Look for the sense of yourself That is Health Feel that for a while and then again and again and again Everyday you’re alive You’ll live a healthy […]

Smokey Daze
Hello Everyone! Hope you’re not all too smoked out! What an unbelievable last few days ~ seems like Gaia wants us all to be inside no matter what! If Covid won’t do it, try a little bit of unbreathable air!! This is Manhattan in fog, but it looks like Seattle in smoke!! Lots to look […]

What Is Acupuncture?
BIOM’s integrative approach to health and well-being includes the use of acupuncture, acupressure, and Chinese medical herbs. These powerful practices have been used for thousands of years and are very effective for treating a wide variety of ailments, and for cultivating and maintaining long-term health. When your body becomes stressed from normal activities, or from […]

Five Ways To STRENGTHEN Your Lungs and Immune System
Eat foods that nourish the Lungs. These include: daikon radish, lotus root, maiitake mushrooms, and Chinese herb formulas. Get enough sleep. Reduce and keep stress low. (Easier said than done … but doable.) Pace yourself. Make sure to save some of your energy. Begin developing—or maintain—an inner practice like meditation, or deep breathing, to help your body relax […]