In this time of vaccinations, in this Time of C.O.V.I.D. we are looking for assurance. The vaccination is the insurance, and from it we look for assurance.
While vaccinations do provide an excellent statistical level of anti-COVID assurance, at the same time we need to self-insure by looking at our current situation in a Darwinian light, and make choices using ‘The Light’ that is present in each of us by dint of being alive. It’s not that esoteric; just take a few slow, deep breaths and things get clearer. And when things fog up again, take a few more slow, deep breaths. Given how things are these days, we should all be doing daily deep breathing.

New Vaccines — New Awarenesses
We are very fortunate that amazingly designed New Vaccines are now available! And it’s important to keep in mind that these vaccines do not provide a cure, nor total immunity, and the extent of the immunity they do provide is still being assessed. Current data is indicating that booster jabs may be necessary, because, back to Darwin, as we adapt and evolve, so too T.H.E. V.I.R.U.S.

Health Insurance & Assurance
So what to do? Invest in health: Your health, and the health of those around you. Do so for the obvious altruistic reason, and the karmic reason: What goes around, comes around.
When you invest in your health you insure yourself by doing what you need to do to stay healthy. Which leads to the only assurance you can be sure of: you’re alive with the capacity to enjoy a long, slow, deep breath — everything else is extra.