We reviewed a recent article entitled, “Recovering from Acute and Chronic Viral Infections with Chinese Medicine.” This information, published in Chinese has been translated by Heiner Fruehauf, a renown contemporary translator of the ancient medical texts of China. This ancient information, being applied to contemporary conditions, is informing the world about how to deal with the current coronavirus pandemic using traditional Chinese medicine.
As information and manufactured goods coming out of China, indicate, the Chinese economy is recovering better than expected. Heiner points out that this is a boon for Oriental Medicine because after initially relying primarily on Western medicine to treat Covid patients, Chinese authorities found that a western-based medical approach was not meeting their desperate need to get control of the virus, and understood they needed more options and methods to combat the viral onslaught. From that moment forward, Chinese hospitals were mandated the use traditional Chinese medicine universally, and were directed to integrate those ancient practices into what were, up to that point, Western medicine-only wards.
This is a huge departure from decades of medical protocol in China, which had leaned overwhelmingly to the west in their health care. But when they found traditional Chinese medicine was successful in keeping the Covid death rate down, and slowing the progression of the disease to deeper states, everything changed!
“Western medicine says: “We haven’t seen anything like this before and we don’t know what to do.” Oriental medicine says: “We have! And today, even if a practitioner hasn’t seen Covid in their own clinic yet, we have 2000 years of clinical practice, 2000 years of recorded experience talking about the symptoms and effects of pandemic disease. They wrote all this stuff down. It’s very fascinating to say the least.”
– Heiner Fruhoff, excerpted
Righteous Chi
Oriental Medicine, also known as, traditional Chinese Medicine, has a theoretical part which include mythopoetic principles and symbols, like Yin-Yang, Five Elements, Chi, et. al., which all address seasonal energetics that explain the interrelation of viral outbreaks related to specific climate fluctuations. Right now we are in autumn-approaching-winter, and need to prepare our Body~Mind~Spirit for the normal seasonal energetics while adjusting to the presence of Covid.
First and foremost, the place to begin is to become aware of that part of yourself known as Righteous Chi, which is essentially your immune System. Because your immune system is not just one thing, but rather parts of your body, if you develop a feeling orientation, feeling yourself as a whole experience, rather than as a sum of your parts, you’ll bring BALANCE to your life in a way that gets the righteous energy flowing through your life!
From a more ‘street-level’ view, it’s being theorized and investigated to see if everyone is getting exposed to the Coronavirus because of its ubiquity. If this is true, then perhaps we need to assume that because the behavior of coronavirus-19 is not essentially different from how all other viruses attack us, only in its debilitations and lethality, we also need to ask ourselves: If everyone ‘gets‘ the coronavirus, how come not every gets Covid? This is where your Righteous Chi smiles inwardly.
If your Righteous Chi is strong on the inside, the pathogens cannot invade, but you want to do as much as you can to prevent your body from having to expend precious Chi fighting something that can be avoided.
“The wise warrior avoids the battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War;
(Applied to Coronavirus)

Remember, prevention is best, but when recovery is what’s needed: You need to know something about what’s needed to recover from acute viral infections, and degenerative after-effects caused by potential autoimmune reactions.
While Covid deaths rates have dropped around the world, for a variety of reasons, people are still dying from it nonetheless. The increasing number of people experiencing debilitating physical, psychological and financial difficulties recovering from Covid is a warning to us all: Protect your Righteous Chi!
There are different ways to do that: exercise, diet, psychological and spiritual techniques to cultivate a meditative-type feeling of joy when practicing social-distancing. Explore and experiment and find something that helps you feel that thing called ‘centered.’ It’s a good place to start.
Chinese Medicinal Herb Formulas
In terms of diet, you should include Chinese medicinal herbs in that equation. This herbal medicine supports your general health, and the Righteous Chi that is it’s hand-in-hand partner. Because if you do experience Covid symptoms, or have been exposed to someone else who has, there are Chinese medical herb formulas that have specific antiviral properties to mitigate the suffering of Covid, and then support your body’s effort to regain and maintain health.
Health Coaching Consultation with Kitty
It’s important to understand that BIOM does not sell herbs to the general public the way a health food store would. Rather, we dispense Chinese medicinal herb formulas based on Kitty’s diagnostics and a resultant treatment plan. These ancient herbal formulas can, and do, have powerful effects upon a person’s health, and thereby need to be formulated, adapted, taking into consideration your specific constitution, and current health situation.
So to purchase these anti-Covid herb formulas, you’re will be asked to schedule a one hour, $125, health coaching session with Kitty, via Zoom or telephone where you and she can talk easily and openly about your health.
People experience with Kitty’s health coaching consultations range from very satisfied to amazed, as Kitty helps you recall and reconstruct your health history in a way that enables you to see patterns and connections not noticed before, while answering your questions and making suggestions as to how to improve and maintain your health the Oriental Medicine way.
Health Coaching Consultation
Contact Kitty
• Phone: (206) 842-6936