Winter Solstice marks the moment of ‘deepest yin’ in the solar calendar. ‘Yin/Yang’: We’ve all heard the term, and have probably used it more than once in passing, yet what does it mean? Simply put, Yin-Yang is a metaphysical perspective, derived from ancient Taoist cosmology, that can be used to understand the circumstances of our lives, and the world we […]
Category: Musings

Haiku: A Poetic Message Without an Explanation
Mosquito at my ear—
does he think
I’m deaf?
– Issa

Your Life Is Only Ever Now: BREATHE Wisely to Live Wisely
In any moment you choose, you can feel good, just by paying attention to your breath.

Stay Health in Spring: The Oriental Medicine Way
Spring is the time to pay attention to your digestive system; its overall health and the vitality of its individual organs.
If you’re feeling “jittery” (which is common in Spring), acupuncture/acupressure and Chinese medicinal herbs can provide relief.