Your kidneys may be pretty pooped-out by now, leaving you feeling low in energy, and more susceptible to becoming cold and catching colds. And because the kidneys are much more vulnerable right now, if they get too chilly, you’re more susceptible to injuries to the lower back, hips, legs and feet. So wear layers of clothing and protect you kidney area from penetrating cold. So it’s important to know how to strengthen your Kidney energy in Winter.
Category: Chi Kung

Winter Solstice: A Time of Deep Yin
Winter Solstice marks the moment of ‘deepest yin’ in the solar calendar. ‘Yin/Yang’: We’ve all heard the term, and have probably used it more than once in passing, yet what does it mean? Simply put, Yin-Yang is a metaphysical perspective, derived from ancient Taoist cosmology, that can be used to understand the circumstances of our lives, and the world we […]

Are You Ready? Covid Winter Is Coming!
As the Holiday Season arrives and we prepare ourselves to enter this first Winter of Covid, it is time for tales, new and old, told in ways new and old.
The attack of the Coronavirus has thrust humankind in an evolutionary moment! A statement surreal, yet all too true. An ancient Greek poet named, Hesiod gave the world the story about Pandora’s Box to warn about what can happen when Humankind strays too far from ‘home’; home being one’s inner knowing, one’s wisdom. It is not too far-fetched to say that’s where we Homosapients find ourselves today.

Covid Treatment Practices Currently Coming Out of China: Highlights
Right now we are in autumn-approaching-winter, and need to prepare our Body~Mind~Spirit for the normal seasonal energetics while adjusting to the presence of Covid.

Five Ways To STRENGTHEN Your Lungs and Immune System
Eat foods that nourish the Lungs. These include: daikon radish, lotus root, maiitake mushrooms, and Chinese herb formulas. Get enough sleep. Reduce and keep stress low. (Easier said than done … but doable.) Pace yourself. Make sure to save some of your energy. Begin developing—or maintain—an inner practice like meditation, or deep breathing, to help your body relax […]