Our colleague, and friend of BIOM, Michael Max, L.Ac and Chinese Medicine Herbalist, has written this useful article about how to stay healthy during cold and flu season. A good read, filled with good information. “As the length of the days slips away and sunlight begins to fail earlier in the day, it is important […]
Author: Michael Kessler

Maximize Your Health In The Year Of The Wood Dragon: Practical Tips And Guidance
This Year of the Dragon began on February 10, 2024. It begins a different energy than the Water Rabbit, the Dragon’s energetic predecessor, who has now recededed into its twelve-year rest in the zodiac when it will appear again. But now is the time of the Water Dragon!

You Are The Source. Be Resourceful. Full of Resources.
How one sees oneself is very important. It affects your mental health and disposition. Focusing on what it feels like as you breathe is a useful technique for calming and centering; for getting your mind into a place to do purposeful things with Life.

Are You Ready? Covid Winter Is Coming!
As the Holiday Season arrives and we prepare ourselves to enter this first Winter of Covid, it is time for tales, new and old, told in ways new and old.
The attack of the Coronavirus has thrust humankind in an evolutionary moment! A statement surreal, yet all too true. An ancient Greek poet named, Hesiod gave the world the story about Pandora’s Box to warn about what can happen when Humankind strays too far from ‘home’; home being one’s inner knowing, one’s wisdom. It is not too far-fetched to say that’s where we Homosapients find ourselves today.

BIOM Going Into ‘SAFE MODE’ — Covid: Redux
We must accept that Covid is on the rise again! And with the weather change and the stresses in the country, there’s likely to be even more of the virus around over November, December and January. Here at BIOM we are holding safety as our primary goal in working with each of you.
We now have at BIOM the Chinese medical herb formulas which were used in China to stop the spread of Covid virus last spring! These formulas were used both preventively, as well as for treatment of the virus. They have been dramatically effective and are being used today in China.