Fire Energy In Summer

Keep Fire Energy Balanced So It Doesn’t Burn Up Your Chi

What we are experiencing now as the hot part of summer is upon us are really high temperatures across the US. Many weather predictions, such as bigger hurricanes, are beginning to bear out. And surprises are always at the fore these days, evidence all the massive solar flares and coronal mass ejections which have occurred on the Sun over the past months. So we can expect some quite hot weather as Fire Energy weakens. This may sound counter-intuitive, but think of it this way ~ as the Fire Energy weakens, it’s less able to maintain balance within its own sphere of energy. When that happens erratic changes occur on the planet and with the weather. This will be the case until the second week of August when once again the Energy shifts.

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Summer Health
 From a traditional Eastern perspective, Summer Solstice is Midsummer. Which means once we arrive at Solstice, half of Summer is already behind us! This is the same perspective which led Shakespeare to write MidSummer Night’s Dream. Summer Solstice is that night

Take good care of yourself. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. If it’s tired, pay attention and REST. Remember: the body’s energy is quite different from the mental energy we are used to responding to. If you’re not sure what your body is telling you, sit down, close your eyes and breathe. Pay attention to each breath. Wait and wait. Allow yourself to be receptive. There is a ‘knowing’ inside you which you can learn to become aware of. Be patient. Do this stopping and sitting at least once a day, more if you can. Just wait. Breathe. Trust that your body will express its wisdom as long as it’s not being overrun by the thoughts. Keep going, keep going . . .

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