Your kidneys may be pretty pooped-out by now, leaving you feeling low in energy, and more susceptible to becoming cold and catching colds. And because the kidneys are much more vulnerable right now, if they get too chilly, you’re more susceptible to injuries to the lower back, hips, legs and feet. So wear layers of clothing and protect you kidney area from penetrating cold. So it’s important to know how to strengthen your Kidney energy in Winter.
Immune System Awareness
Ordinarily towards the end of winter the immune system is ordinarily a bit weaker due to the stresses it undergoes from warding-off illness. Now with COVID in the equation the immune system is under more than normal stress. Try to rest more to conserve energy as the invigorating Chi of Spring gradually comes into force.
The strength of the Kidneys and the parts of your body most dependent on them, can benefit from the support provided by Oriental Medicine at BIOM.
And the Kidney’s need attention today not only to meet their current needs, but to be able to pass on a strong current of energy, to the Liver/Gall Bladder, when the ‘Wood’ energy of Spring rushes in.
Chi Kung Water Exercise For Building Kidney Energy
- Stand with feet hip width apart, with knees slightly bent & body tilted slightly forward.
- Rub your hands together and place palms on kidneys at waist level.
- Feel heat and chi from hands -owing into back and kidneys.
- Brush area in a circular motion from waist down to lower back.
- With loose fists lightly tap from your waist down.
- Repeat 3 times.
- An alternative is placing the backs of your hands on your lower back.